
The Erasmus+ project „LearnSTEM: Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools“ aims at:

  • enhancing the capacity of secondary schools in fostering skills in subjects like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics using innovative and interactive teaching methods and approaches
  • enhancing students‘ attitudes and performance in the STEM areas of interest
  • exploring effective strategies for captivating students‘ attention and cultivating their interest in essential subjects like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, which play crucial roles in both the present and the future, permeating all aspects of our lives
  • motivating students to invest more time and effort into these subjects, recognizing the potential they hold in shaping their future endeavors.

For being able to do so, the consortium will generate the following outputs:

  1. Creating LearnSTEM Pedagogical Model
  2. Creating LearnSTEM Teacher Training Programme
  3. Creating LearnSTEM Online Learning Environment

You can find these outputs within the work packages 2-4.