👩‍🔬👨‍🔬STEM and Nature: A Wild Learning Adventure! 🌳

Nature is a classroom waiting to be explored!

  • Become a Nature Detective: Discover science secrets in pinecones and build whirlybirds.
  • Math in the Meadow: Count flower petals, create patterns, and estimate tree heights.
  • The Bug Builders: Study spider webs and design mini bridges inspired by nature.

Develop STEM skills, foster a love for nature, and become an environmental steward.

TPM4 in Potenza, Italy ☀️

The partners of LearnSTEM have met in Potenza, Italy, on the premises of EURO-NET on the 26th of June 2024. They have come together to talk about the LearnSTEM Learning Environment. It has been a fruitful meeting – so stay tuned as we are about to share a link to the LearnSTEM Learning Environment soon!

STEM and Pollution 🌍💨

Integrating STEM into education is crucial for fostering innovation and problem-solving skills. By teaching students about science, technology, engineering, and maths, and also combine these subjects within lessons, we empower them to tackle complex issues like pollution head-on. Through STEM education, we can inspire the next generation of innovators to develop sustainable solutions for a cleaner, healthier planet.

STEM and Recycling: A Perfect Pair 🌱🔬

In the realm of sustainability, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields play a vital role in shaping our approach towards recycling. From developing innovative materials to designing efficient waste management systems, STEM disciplines offer solutions that pave the way towards a greener, cleaner future.

Education in STEM fosters a mindset of curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking, essential traits for addressing complex environmental challenges like recycling. By inspiring future generations to pursue STEM fields, we empower them to become the innovators and changemakers driving environmental sustainability forward.

STEM Feed on TikTok 🥳

The short video platform TikTok has introduced a STEM feed with videos on various topics from the STEM fields. The platform wants to improve its image and also show educational videos.

If you are registered on the platform, why not check it out?

🔜 Learning Videos

🎥The learning videos for the LearnSTEM Online Learning Environment are in their final cuts. The partners have created learning videos within the topics of Recycling, Pollution, Nature and Climate. The videos include most important information, experiments and tasks. Stay tuned for the results and watch the videos yourself!🎬

TPM3 in Kavala, Greece ☀️

The 3rd Transnational Partner Meeting took place on the 1st of February in Kavala, Greece. IEK Kavalas hosted this meeting and endeavoured to make the meeting a success.

The partners had a lot to talk about the LearnSTEM pedagogical model as well as the Teacher Training Programme. Fruitful discussions were held so that the project can enter the next phase.